Catswork Logo & Dashboard - Creating a space for students to keep track of their network

<Company> Catswork

<Role> Lead UIUX Designer and Graphic Designer

<Team> 2 Software Engineers, 2 Designers

<Tools> Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, HTML, CSS, Wordpress

The Company: Catswork

Catswork aim to create end to end recruitment resources for students, ranging from networking tools to recruitment content. In the United States, networking is extremely serious, much more so than in Singapore. Students network with hundreds of people during the same period of time. Catswork aims to simplify that process. During my exchange in Northwestern University, I was hired as the Lead UIUX Designer for the team.

Catswork aims to make networking easier for students, so that more people can benefit from networking

Logo Redesign

 My first task was to redesign the company logo and give the company its unique branding.
Here are my considerations:

  • Appeal to university students and make networking fun and vibrant rather than boring and professional
  • Incorporate the company's unique name into the logo in a fun yet professional way
  • Logo must consist of a favicon and the word so that it can be flexibly used

Mismatched colours, awkward fonts, Strange capitalisation of W, W reminds people of Mathworks logo

Logo Brainstorming

I struggled to keep the cat element without making it look unprofessional. Through this process I realised that curves and straight edges make a lot of difference when it comes to brand building for a logo.

Final Logo

The Problem:
How might we design a chrome extension and a dashboard for students to keep track of their networks and their networking to-dos?

As I did not join the company from the very start, I missed out on the empathising part of designing, jobs to be done findings and so on. However, I did speak to a lot of students in Northwestern University, and found out that keeping track of their networks is indeed a problem. Students use alternatives, such as excel sheets, to keep track of their network and their respective to-dos (e.g. coffee chats, cold emails and so on), and it is a hassle. Here are the main problems faced by students

  • Difficult to keep track of all networks (excel is a good alternative)
  • Difficult to remember their meetings with their connections, application deadlines, and so on
  • Too many mediums for networking e.g. business cards from networking sessions, LinkedIn, etc

User Journey Map

Our target user, who are university students, will first gain connections from LinkedIn or Networking sessions. They will then record down the new connection's information in our chrome extension. They are able to set reminders and to-dos for each connection as well. Lastly, the user can go to his web dashboard, where he can see all his connections in one glance and easily filter for more information.

Sketches & Wireframes

As we were only building the MVP, the dashboard and chrome extension were relatively simple. However, the user experience has to be good as customer retention of early adopters is extremely important. As most students were using an excel sheet as an alternative, we mimicked the functionalities of excel so that users will find it easier to migrate to Catswork.

Through this quick paper iterations, I realised a few issues which I overlooked. Extensions are ultimately, different from apps. That means the experience should not be the same. One example will be the navigation bar. Usually, in apps, the navigation bar is at the bottom. However, as chrome extensions are part of chrome itself, the order which the eye navigates should naturally be from the top. That was a huge insight.

Final Design

Moving Forward

Unfortunately, i did not get a chance to iterate upon the user experience due to timeline limitations. Here's my main takeaway and area for improvements:

  • MORE informal testings during prototype creation
  • Continuously empathise and speak to people, even after the empathising phase is over
  • Come up with more crazy ideas! Prototype and test them to learn more!